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¡Aprende de forma inteligente! Con italki, aprendes cuando tú quieras, con un profesor que se adapte a ti y a tu presupuesto

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Over 5,000,000 learners

What Our Students Say

I have noticed a significant improvement in the way I learn English. I have even already had some interviews in English, something that was not possible a few months ago.

Celso — Learning English

The results were exciting, I saw improvement in my ability to speak and understand exponentially and now I feel much more comfortable when I have to speak English.

Gianni — Learning English

I have completed five lessons and am amazed at how much I have already learned. Not only does my teacher converse with me in Italian she also sends me worksheets and small sound clips that I work on at my own pace.

Cassie — Learning Italian

I have completed five lessons and am amazed at how much I have already learned. Not only does my teacher converse with me in Italian she also sends me worksheets and small sound clips that I work on at my own pace.

y — Learning Japanese

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Clases Particulares a Medida

Alcanza tus objetivos con profesores cualificados y clases personalizadas que se adaptan a tu estilo de aprendizaje.

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Paga Por Uso

Sin contratos ni cuotas de suscripción. Tan solo compra créditos italki y paga por las clases o por los paquetes de clases.

¿Cómo funciona italki?

1. Elige Tu Profesor

Mira los vídeos de presentación de los profesores y lee las opiniones de otros estudiantes

2. Reserva Tu Clase

Programa las clases a la hora y en la fecha que más te convenga.

3. Inicia Tu Viaje

Conéctate con tu profesor a través de un software de videochat, ¡y que empiece el aprendizaje!

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